The Dorset Community Partnership and the Dorset Health Care Team has been working for over two years to bring health care closer to the citizens in the community and the surrounding area, in cooperation with theTownship of Lake of Bays, Algonquin Highlands Township, the District of Muskoka and the Ontario Government.
Along with offering access to professional health care five days a week, the benefits to having a Nurse Practitioner’s Station in Dorset include consultation and care, access to flu shots and prescription medication and dealing with rudimentary needs such as minor accidents. The NPS will also offer space to community service providers such as Community Mental Health, Addictions Outreach and Family & Children Services. It will host Electronic Medical Records and Ontario Telemedicine Network. Our seasonal population and tourists will also be able to utilize the Station, as will our tourists. Plus, you don’t have to give up your regular doctor! Dorset and its sister communities of Baysville, Dwight, Hillside, Oxtongue Lake, Greater Kawagama and Upper Livingstone Lake Road will all benefit from a NPS being located in Dorset because of its proximity to all. Dorset’s distance from the larger urban centers of Huntsville and Bracebridge means the NPS in Dorset will not be competitive or duplicative of service offered in those centers, in fact it will be complimentary. Furthermore, Dorset has a strong and vibrant volunteer base and the Dorset Community Partnership Fund has raised over $250,000 in three years for community projects and it has a proven track record of successfully collaborating with all community groups and levels of government. We have secured a location within Dorset for the Nurse Practitioner Station and have already raised close to $200,000 in pledges for this initiative. Our fundraising efforts are on-going. If you'd like to pledge, please email dorsetontario@gmail.com for more information or see the links to the left. We're not asking for a monetary donation until the Provincial Government approves the plan which is anticipated to happen this Spring. Thank you so much for your generous support. |